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Publications (peer reviewed)

36 • E. Dalaka, J. S. Hill, J. H. H. Booth, A. Popczyk, S. R. Pulver, M. C. Gather*, M. Schubert*, Deformable microlaser force sensing, Light: Science & Aplications (2024), 13, 129.

35 • V. M. Titze*, S. Caixeiro, V. S. Dinh, M. König, M. Rübsam, N. Pathak, A.-L. Schumacher, M. Germer, C. Kukat, C. M. Niessen, M. Schubert*, M. C. Gather*, Hyperspectral confocal imaging for high-throughput readout and analysis of bio-integrated microlasers, Nature Protocols (2024), 2302024.

34 • T. Plaskocinski, L. Yan, M. Schubert, M. C. Gather, A. Di Falco*, Optically Manipulated Micromirrors for Precise Excitation of WGM Microlasers, Advanced Optical Materials (2024), 2302024.

33 • S. Caixeiro,* C. Kunstmann-Olsen, M. Schubert, J. Hill, I. R. M. Barnard, M. D. Simmons, S. Johnson,* and M. C. Gather*, Local Sensing of Absolute Refractive Index During Protein-Binding using Microlasers with Spectral Encoding, Advanced Optical Materials (2023), 2300530.

32 • V. M. Titze, S. Caixeiro, A. Di Falco, M. Schubert*, M. C. Gather*, Red-Shifted Excitation and Two-Photon Pumping of Biointegrated GaInP/AlGaInP Quantum Well Microlasers, ACS Photonics (2022), 9, 952.

31 • M. Schubert*, L. Woolfson, I. R. M. Barnard, A. Morton, B. Casement, G. B. Robertson, G. B. Miles, S. J. Pitt, C. S. Tucker, M. C. Gather*, Monitoring contractility in cardiac tissue with cellular resolution using bio-integrated microlasers, Nature Photonics (2020), 14, 452.

30 • M. Karl, A. Meek, C. Murawski, L. Tropf, C. Keum, M. Schubert, I. D. W. Samuel, G. A. Turnbull, M. C. Gather*, Distributed Feedback Lasers Based on Green Fluorescent Protein and Conformal High Refractive Index Oxide Layers, Laser & Photonics Reviews (2020),  14, 2000101.

29 • C. Murawski, A. Mischok, J. Booth, J. D. Kumar, E. Archer, L. Tropf, C.-M. Keum, Y.-L. Deng, K. Yoshida, I. D. W. Samuel, M. Schubert, S. R. Pulver, M. C. Gather*, Narrowband Organic Light-Emitting Diodes for Fluorescence Microscopy and Calcium Imaging, Advanced Materials (2019), 31, 1903599.

28 • A. H. Fikouras, M. Schubert, M. Karl, J. D. Kumar, S. J. Powis, A. di Falco*, M. C. Gather*, Non-obstructive intracellular nanolasers, Nature Communications (2018), 9, 4817.

27 • M. Karl, J. M. E. Glackin, M. Schubert, N. M. Kronenberg, G. A. Turnbull, I. D. W. Samuel, M. C. Gather*, Flexible and ultra-lightweight polymer membrane lasers, Nature Communications (2018), 9, 1525.

26 • G. Sini*, M. Schubert*, C. Risko*, S. Roland, O. P. Lee, Z. Chen, T. V. Richter, D. Dolfen, V. Coropceanu, S. Ludwigs, U. Scherf, A. Facchetti, J. M. J. Fréchet, D. Neher*, On the Molecular Origin of Charge Separation at the Donor-Acceptor Interface, Advanced Energy Materials (2018), 28, 1702232.

25 • J. M. Zajac, M. Schubert, T. Roland, C. Keum, I. D. W. Samuel, M. C. Gather*, Time-Resolved Studies of Energy Transfer in Thin Films of Green and Red Fluorescent Proteins, Advanced Functional Materials (2018), 28, 1706300.

24 • M. Karl, C. P. Dietrich, M. Schubert, I. D. W. Samuel, G. A. Turnbull, M. C. Gather*, Single cell induced optical confinement in biological lasers, Journal of Physics D (2017), 50, 084005.

23 • M. Schubert, K. Volckaert, M. Karl, A. Morton, P. Liehm, G. B. Miles, S. J. Powis, M. C. Gather*, Lasing in Live Mitotic and Non-Phagocytic Cells by Efficient Delivery of Microresonators, Scientific Reports (2017), 7, 40877.

22 • C. P. Dietrich*, A. Steude, M. Schubert, K. Ostermann, S. Höfling*, M. C. Gather*, Strong Coupling in Fully Tunable Microcavities Filled with Biologically-Produced Fluorescent Proteins, Advanced Optical Materials (2016), 5, 1600659.

21 • C. P. Dietrich*, A. Steude, L. Tropf, M. Schubert, N. M. Kronenberg, K. Ostermann, S. Höfling*, M. C. Gather*, An exciton-polariton laser based on biologically produced fluorescent protein, Science Advance (2016), 2, e1600666.

20 • M. Karl, G. L. Whitworth, M. Schubert, C. P. Dietrich, I. D. W. Samuel, G. A. Turnbull, M. C. Gather*, Optofluidic distributed feedback lasers with evanescent pumping: Reduced threshold and angular dispersion analysis, Applied Physics Letters (2016), 108, 261101.

19 • M. Schubert, A. Steude, P. Liehm, N. M Kronenberg, M. Karl, E. C. Campbell, S. J. Powis, M. C. Gather*, Lasing within Live Cells Containing Intracellular Optical Microresonators for Barcode-Type Cell Tagging and Tracking, Nano Letters (2015), 15, 5647–5652.

18 • S. Roland, M. Schubert, B. A. Collins, J. Kurpiers, Z. Chen, A. Facchetti, H. Ade, D. Neher*, Fullerene-free polymer solar cells with highly reduced bimolecular recombination and field-independent charge carrier generation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2014), 5, 2815-2822.

17 • M. Schubert, B. A. Collins, H. Mangold, I. A. Howard, W. Schindler, K. Vandewal, S. Roland, J. Behrends, F. Kraffert, R. Steyrleuthner, Z. Chen, K. Fostiropoulos, R. Bittl, A. Salleo, A. Facchetti, F. Laquai, H. Ade, D. Neher*, Correlated Donor/Acceptor Crystal Orientation Controls Photocurrent Generation in All-Polymer Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials (2014), 24, 4068–4081.

16 • R. Steyrleuthner, R. Di Pietro, B. A. Collins, F. Polzer, S. Himmelberger, M. Schubert, Z Chen, S. Zhang, A. Salleo, H. Ade, A. Facchetti*, D. Neher*, The Role of Regioregularity, Crystallinity and Chain Orientation on Electron Transport in a High Mobility n-type Copolymer, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2014), 136, 4245–4256.

15 • W. Liu, R. Tkachov, V. Senkovskyy, M. Schubert, Z. Wei, A. Facchetti, D. Neher, A. Kiriy*, Chain-growth polycondensation of perylene diimide-based copolymers: a new route to regio-regular perylene diimide-based acceptors for all-polymer solar cells and n-type transistors, Polymer Chemistry (2014), 5, 3404–3411.

14 • K. Vandewal*, S. Albrecht, E. T. Hoke, K. R. Graham, J. Widmer, J. D. Douglas, M. Schubert, W. R. Mateker, J. T. Bloking, G. F. Burkhard, A. Sellinger, J. M. J. Fréchet, A. Amassian, M. K. Riede, M. D. McGehee, D. Neher*, A. Salleo*, Efficient charge generation by relaxed charge-transfer states at organic interfaces, Nature Materials (2014), 13, 63–68.

13 • M. Schubert, E. Preis, J. C. Blakesley, P. Pingel, U. Scherf, D. Neher*, Mobility relaxation and electron trapping in a donor/acceptor copolymer, Physical Review B (2013), 87, 024203.

12 • S. Schattauer, B. Reinhold, S. Albrecht, C. Fahrenson, M. Schubert, S. Janietz, D. Neher*, Influence of sintering on the structural and electronic properties of TiO2 nanoporous layers prepared via a non-sol-gel approach, Colloid and Polymer Science (2012), 290, 1843–1854.

11 • R. Steyrleuthner, M. Schubert, I. Howard, B. Klaumünzer, K. Schilling, Z. Chen, P. Saalfrank, F. Laquai, A. Facchetti, D. Neher*, Aggregation in a High-Mobility n-Type Low-Bandgap Copolymer with Implications on Semicrystalline Morphology, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2012), 134, 18303–18317.

10 • M. Schubert, D. Dolfen, J. Frisch, S. Roland, R. Steyrleuthner, B. Stiller, Z. H. Chen, U. Scherf, N. Koch, A. Facchetti, D. Neher*, Influence of Aggregation on the Performance of All-Polymer Solar Cells Containing Low-Bandgap Naphthalenediimide Copolymers, Advanced Energy Materials (2012), 2, 369–380.

9 • J. Frisch, M. Schubert, E. Preis, J. P. Rabe, D. Neher, U. Scherf, N. Koch*, Full electronic structure across a polymer heterojunction solar cell, Journal of Materials Chemistry (2012), 22, 4418–4424.

8 • J. Kniepert, M. Schubert, J. C. Blakesley, D. Neher*, Photogeneration and Recombination in P3HT/PCBM Solar Cells Probed by Time-Delayed Collection Field Experiments, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2011), 2, 700–705.

7 • J. C. Blakesley, M. Schubert, R. Steyrleuthner, Z. H. Chen, A. Facchetti, D. Neher*, Time-of-flight measurements and vertical transport in a high electron-mobility polymer, Applied Physics Letters (2011), 99, 183310.

6 • R. Steyrleuthner, M. Schubert, F. Jaiser, J. C. Blakesley, Z. Chen, A. Facchetti, D. Neher*, Bulk Electron Transport and Charge Injection in a High Mobility n-Type Semiconducting Polymer, Advanced Materials (2010), 22, 2799–2803.

5 • S. Inal, M. Schubert, A. Sellinger, D. Neher*, The Relationship between the Electric Field-Induced Dissociation of Charge Transfer Excitons and the Photocurrent in Small Molecular/Polymeric Solar Cells, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2010), 1, 982–986.

4 • S. Bange, M. Schubert, D. Neher*, Charge mobility determination by current extraction under linear increasing voltages: Case of nonequilibrium charges and field–dependent mobilities, Physical Review B (2010), 035209.

3 • M. Schubert, C. Yin, M. Castellani, S. Bange, T. L. Tam, A. Sellinger, H. H. Horhold, T. Kietzke, D. Neher*, Heterojunction topology versus fill factor correlations in novel hybrid small-molecular/polymeric solar cells, Journal of Chemical Physics (2009), 130, 094703.

2 • M. Schubert, R. Steyrleuthner, S. Bange, A. Sellinger, D. Neher*, Charge transport and recombination in bulk heterojunction solar cells containing a dicyanoimi-dazole–based molecular acceptor, Physica Status Solidi a (2009), 206, 2743–2749.

1 • C. Yin, M. Schubert, S. Bange, B. Stiller, M. Castellani, D. Neher, M. Kumke, H. H. Hörhold*, Tuning of the excited–state properties and photovoltaic performance in PPV–based polymer blends, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2008), 112, 14607–14617.

Book chapter

 1 • M. Schubert*, J. Frisch, E. Preis*, S. Allard*, U. Scherf, N. Koch, D. Neher (2017), Tuning Side Chain and Main Chain Order in a Prototypical Donor-Acceptor Copolymer: Implications for Optical, Electronic, and Photovoltaic Characteristics. In K. Leo (Ed.), Elementary Processes in Organic Photovoltaics [Chapter 10], Springer International Publishing.

Conference proceedings

4 • M. Schubert, L. Woolfson, I. R. M. Barnard, A. M. Dorward, B. Casement, S. Caixeiro, A. Morton, G. B. Robertson, P. L. Appleton, G. B. Miles, C. S. Tucker, S. J. Pitt, and M. C. Gather, Deep tissue contractility sensing with biointegrated microlasers, Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences (2021), Novel Techniques in Microscopy.

3 • S. Caixeiro, A. H. Fikouras, V. Titze, A. Di Falco, M. Schubert, M. C. Gather, Micro and nano lasers from III-V semiconductors for intracellular sensing,  SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, Proceedings Volume 11468, Enhanced Spectroscopies and Nanoimaging (2020), 1146811.

2 • M. Schubert, L. Woolfson, I. R. M. Barnard, A. Morton, B. Casement, G. B. Robertson, G. B. Miles, S. J. Pitt, C. S. Tucker, M. C. Gather, Microlaser-based contractility sensing in single cardiomyocytes and whole hearts, Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences (2019), Novel Techniques in Microscopy.

1 • A. H. Fikouras, M. Schubert, M. Karl, J. D. Kumar, S. J. Powis, A. di Falco, M. C. Gather, Intracellular Semiconductor Nanodisk Lasers, Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences (2019), Bio-Optics: Design and Application.


1 • M. Schubert and M. Gather, Cardiac Sensing with Bio-Integrated Microlasers, Optics and Photonics News 31, 55 (2020).